A critical time to successfully tackle the greatest challenge of our time: climate change. MONDRAGON aims to inspire and involve all cooperatives and other types of organisations in this process. And works on the following issues.

Environmental management

MONDRAGON’s climate commitment involves fostering a social and cooperative model that will promote climate awareness throughout its entire value chain. As an active agent in the climate transition towards a decarbonised society, it integrates the analysis of the environmental impacts of the cooperatives' activities and collaborates with all its stakeholders to minimise the negative impacts and maximise the positive ones.

Energy decarbonisation

The cooperatives continue to evolve and innovate in their production model to decarbonise production centres, encourage the use of energy management platforms that optimise consumption and promote the use and local self-supply of renewable energies to speed up the energy transition in the regions where the cooperatives are present.

Circular Economy

MONDRAGON and the cooperatives are evolving towards activities that will reduce residual flows and favour a balanced use and availability of resources. Circularity and eco-innovation solutions are also implemented to optimise use of resources and landfill waste disposal in their activities.

Sustainable Mobility

The cooperatives optimise distribution of their products in coordination with the customers. Consequently, they implement new low-carbon forms of logistics distribution, encouraging sustainable transport solutions and minimising the possible impact on the movement of people and products.


Sales with environmental management certificates


Coperatives with mobility plans


Energy purchased from renewable sources


Cooperatives created for generation and consumption of totally green energy



More than 75% of sales have ISO 14001 environmental management system certification. Four ISO 14006 Ecodesign certificates and ten ISO 50001 energy management certificates.

Renewable sources

In 2023, the Ategi central headquarters managed the purchase of 600 gigawatts for the cooperatives, 70% of which was from renewable sources.

Lean & green star

Eroski had over 2,300 products with the sustainability seal in 2023.

Energy communities

12 “Ekiola” cooperatives have been created as energy communities for the generation and consumption of 100% local green energy.

Protection of the seas

Together with the cooperatives Cikautxo and Maier, the Corporation collaborates on the European project Primus for creation of added-value technology products from recycled polymers.

Sustainable mobility

Over 50 cooperatives are developing mobility plans for travelling to the work centres.