MONDRAGON’s business revolves around people in a real, democratic and efficient way, focusing on financial stability and sustainable wellbeing.
MONDRAGON’s business revolves around people in a real, democratic and efficient way, focusing on financial stability and sustainable wellbeing.
Aspects such as ongoing education and training, equal opportunities, gender equality, stable and adaptive employment, worker involvement and protection and social inclusion all form part of the cooperative model.
People in a business model that protects and implements the effective and inclusive participation of people in ownership, management and profitability, which results in quality employment.
The cooperatives help develop talent through strategic people planning and ongoing, action-based accelerated learning processes.
This essential management aspect is carried out by the joint prevention service Osarten, which proactively fosters a culture of prevention and people’s wellbeing.
The people are protected by a system created to provide social assistance and welfare to members and beneficiaries (LagunAro), including vital aspects such as retirement, widowhood and permanent disability, employment support, temporary disability, health assistance and family allowances.
Diversity, inclusion and social justice are inherent values in our model. Equal opportunities, gender equality, participation, transparency and ethics generate a culture that promotes higher levels of commitment and proactiveness.
MONDRAGON MONDRAGON continues to progress with the use and standardisation of the Basque language, an aspect it has always promoted and in which the cooperatives have become a reference point.
Accident rate compared to 63.04 in the BAC
Women in governing bodies
Employment Fund generated in 2023
Basque language promotion plans
43.3% Basque Autonomous Community; 43.2% Spain, 13.5% Overseas.
Ein 2023, 6,042 people were registered for the MONDRAGON job alert system (on the website, which managed 708 job offers.
in 2023, the number of accidents causing more than one day’s absence from work per 1,000 workers was 28.68 for the industrial cooperatives, as compared to 63.04 in the Basque Autonomous Community as a whole.
€35.8m generated in 2023; a total accumulated fund of €128.72m to sufficiently guarantee that future employment crises can be tackled.
32.3% of the members of the governing bodies are women, and the figure is 31.1% for Boards of Directors.
55 cooperatives are developing Basque language plans and a total of 34 have obtained the BIKAIN language management quality certificate awarded by the Basque Government.