

















Corporate innovation ecosystem

Made up of 92 autonomous and independent cooperatives, the MONDRAGON Corporation employs around 70,500 people and is recognized for its social impact, its competitiveness and its innovative nature.

Thanks to our work, we identify competitive advantages for our businesses, generating new business activities, knowledge and trained personnel, by means of our own corporate innovation model.

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Ecosystem agents 01

Based on a collaborative innovation model, MONDRAGON has a structure of corporate agents, aligned for the creation of critical research mass and the leveraging of financial resources and infrastructures that promote research center-university-company collaboration.

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Development of key technologies and infrastructures P4 A boostfor open innovation P3 Developingthe culture ofinnovation and entrepreneurship P2 Definitionof the innovationand businesspromotion strategy P1 Evaluation,disseminationand learning S1 Public andprivate financing S2 Innovationmarketing S3 Institutionalrelationsfor innovation S4 Identifyingand structuring opportunities P5 Developmentof incubationprojects P6 Launchingnew companiesor participating inexisting companies P7 Definitionof the innovationand businesspromotion strategy P1 Developingthe culture ofinnovation and entrepreneurship P2 A boostfor open innovation P3 Development of key technologies and infrastructures P4 Identifyingand structuring opportunities P5 Developmentof incubationprojects P6 Launchingnew companiesor participating inexisting companies P7 Evaluation,disseminationand learning S1 Public andprivate financing S2 Innovationmarketing S3 Institutionalrelationsfor innovation S4 A boostfor open innovation P4 Development of key technologies and infrastructures P3 Developingthe culture ofinnovation and entrepreneurship P2 Definitionof the innovationand businesspromotion strategy P1 Evaluation,disseminationand learning S1 Public andprivate financing S2 Institutionalrelationsfor innovation S3 Institutionalrelationsfor innovation S4 Identifyingand structuring opportunities P5 Developmentof incubationprojects P6 Launchingnew companiesor participating inexisting companies P7 Definitionof the innovationand businesspromotion strategy P1 Developingthe culture ofinnovation and entrepreneurship P2 Development of key technologies and infrastructures P3 A boostfor open innovation P4 Identifyingand structuring opportunities P5 Developmentof incubationprojects P6 Launchingnew companiesor participating inexisting companies P7 Evaluation,disseminationand learning S1 Public andprivate financing S2 Innovationmarketing S3 Institutionalrelationsfor innovation S4

Orientation and training


Innovation support

Innovation model 02

At MONDRAGON, we have developed an integrated corporate innovation and promotion system that allows us to take advantage of the collective knowledge and diverse capabilities of our entities and the entire network of collaborators. By means of a process methodology, we generate innovative solutions that respond to current and future challenges, driving sustainable and competitive growth.

Puzle Puntos

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Sectors of activity 03

MONDRAGON integrates into its organisation cooperatives and entities with presence in the industrial, financial and distribution areas, with commercial and production plants on all five continents. Our continuous efforts in research and innovation allow us to develop new products, services and business models in different strategic sectors.


Automotive and mobility

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We develop innovative and sustainable solutions for the automotive and mobility sectors. From the production of capital goods and tooling to the manufacture of metal and plastic components for the vehicle (suspension and braking, engine and gearbox, pillars, front and rear modules, control panels, piping and sealing, anti-vibration, wheels, etc.) to the manufacture of bicycles.

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Solutions for the home

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We create solutions to help people enjoy a more comfortable, safer daily life in their homes. This includes the manufacture of components for household appliances, heating and air-conditioning systems, home automation solutions and systems for the reception and distribution of TV signals.

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Capital goods, robotics and manufacturing

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We develop smart processes and equipment for more efficient, safer, sustainable and high quality manufacturing that integrates the customer and their needs from the source of the value chain. It includes machinery, tooling and tools, control systems and intelligent manufacturing systems (Industry 4.0). Among other equipment, we specialise in the design and manufacture of lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, machining centres, presses and automated assembly lines.

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Construction, infrastructure and energy

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Our capabilities include territorial planning and the transformation and creation of spaces and infrastructures, including engineering and execution of new buildings and civil works. We also develop solutions around energy generation and storage, facility maintenance and equipment for the hotel sector.

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Business services and talent development

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We offer a wide range of engineering, consultancy and training services aimed at business transformation and management, as well as personal development and the attraction and dynamisation of talent. Some of these services are:
- IT consultancy, development and outsourcing
- Comprehensive legal advice to companies and public sector entities
- Financial analysis and restructuring
- Recruitment and selection of human resources
- Redesign of industrial processes
- Development of architectural projects
- Planning of cities and urban environments

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Health, wellbeing and ageing

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We develop and market innovative solutions and services in the health and social and healthcare sectors, aimed at improving people's health, wellbeing and safety. Our portfolio of solutions includes, among others: medical equipment, management and storage of biological samples and medicines, electro-medicine, telemedicine, social-health equipment, medical services for companies, home care services and residential services.

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Healthy and sustainable food

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Our portfolio of activities includes one of the leading food distribution operators in the state, catering services for communities (schools, hospitals, nursing homes and company canteens) as well as producers of equipment for the hotel and catering sectors. The promotion and encouragement of healthier and more sustainable consumption habits is a key element of the MONDRAGON Corporation's strategy in these areas.

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Banking, insurance and social security

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Under the Laboral Kutxa and Lagun Aro brands, we offer a wide range of products and services such as savings accounts, loans, mortgages, investment services and insurance for individuals, the self-employed and companies. We also have a system of assistance and social welfare for cooperative members, which includes retirement plans and health care, among other elements.

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Key technologies 04

Through research and innovation in key technologies in the fields of digitalisation and sustainability, the MONDRAGON Corporation is at the forefront in the development of new products, services and business models for the sectors of the future.

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    Artificial Intelligence

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    Imitation, by means of computer systems, of human mental processes, giving rise to learning, analysis, natural language processing, automatic translation and decision-making capabilities based on algorithms and mathematical models.

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    Digital twin

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    A virtual model of an asset, process or system, fed by real-time data, that reflects its state and/or behaviour, allowing analysis, simulations, decision making and optimisation of the asset, process or system.

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    Design, construction and programming of machines capable of executing tasks automatically or with human assistance. Collaborative robotics.

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    Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Interconnection via the internet of physical devices equipped with sensors and actuators, for the collection, transmission and reception of data, enabling automation and intelligent decision making. Edge-Cloud Computing.

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    Advanced printing

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    A set of 3D printing technologies for the manufacture of components from the layering of metallic, plastic, composite or biomaterial materials. Printed electronics. In-mould electronics.

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    Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

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    Integrated computing, data storage, networking and physical systems for real-time process monitoring and control. Embedded electronics and distributed control algorithms.

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    A set of protocols and tools designed to protect computer systems, networks and data against cyber threats, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. Blockchain.

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    Vision and inspection

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    Optical systems and image processing algorithms for object analysis, with potential application to quality control and process automation. Smart cameras.

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    Human Machine Interface (HMI)

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    Visual, tactile and input/output devices that enable user interaction and control of technological devices. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

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    Services linked to a product, so that the value of the business can be derived from the exploitation of the end-to-end solution beyond the actual sale of the product in question. New data-driven business models.

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    Renewable energies

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    Those energies that come from inexhaustible natural resources, being sustainable and not generating significant emissions, among others: solar, wind, biomass, geothermal or tidal. Green hydrogen generation.

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    Energy storage

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    A set of technologies and devices for energy storage that guarantee a stable and sustainable supply, helping to balance energy supply and demand. Batteries.

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    Power electronics

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    Efficient control of electrical energy through electronic devices such as converters and rectifiers. The aim is to optimise the generation, transmission and use of energy, minimising losses in the process.

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    Electric machines

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    Technologies for the design and optimisation of electric motors and servomotors in multi-sector applications. New machine architectures and alternative magnets.

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    Thermal processes

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    Technologies for the heating and/or cooling of components in the framework of industrial components and processes, to achieve speed and energy optimisation. Induction, resistance, infrared.

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    Circular economy

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    Sustainable economic approach that promotes waste minimisation and maximum reuse, recycling and renewal of products and materials to create a more efficient and environmentally friendly system. This includes product digital passports, eco-design and remanufacturing processes.

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    Pollution remediation

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    A set of strategies and actions aimed at mitigating or reversing the damage caused by pollution of air, water, soil or other natural resources. It may involve measures such as the implementation of cleaner technologies, the restoration of affected ecosystems or the promotion of sustainable practices. Emission filtering, water purification, contaminated soil remediation, etc.

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    Lightweight materials

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    Those materials designed to have a lower density than conventional materials, while retaining the appropriate mechanical properties for different applications such as construction, vehicle manufacturing or aerospace engineering, thus contributing to efficiency and sustainability in various sectors. Composites, fibres and new metal alloys.

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    Advanced materials

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    Materials with improved properties in terms of strength, conductivity, durability, or ability to perform specific functions, which are developed through advanced manufacturing and design technologies, e.g. biomaterials, active materials, insulating materials, 3D printing materials, multimaterials, nanomaterials, advanced coatings and functional inks.

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    Alternative proteins

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    Those different from animal sources, which may be of plant, microbial or cellular origin, such as those obtained from legumes, soya, algae, fungi, insects or proteins cultivated in laboratories.

Foto Naranja
Churro decoración

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Puntos Onda

External relations 05

MONDRAGON is a member of associations, technological alliances, foundations, agencies, technology platforms, research agents and clusters in the areas of research and innovation, and this helps to create a work network and enhance the concept of open innovation.

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Collaborative projects 06

MONDRAGON and its entities participate in various European R&D&I support programmes to resolve its medium and long-term technological challenges and develop new products and services with high added value. Some examples of representative projects are shown below.

  • Horizon Europe

  • Interreg

  • Erasmus

  • EIT Manufacturing

  • EIT Food

  • RFCS

  • Digital Europe

  • Eureka


  • EDF


Annual European proposals


Proposals led by


Success rate


Ongoing projects