At the 1st Congress of the Mondragón Co-operative Group the Basic Principles of the Co-operative Experience were approved together with the bases for setting up the Inter-co-operative Solidarity Fund, designed as a new co-operation experience aimed at promoting job creation through the funding of co-operative development.
748 new jobs were created over the year which took the total workforce to 18,262 worker-members. It is worth stressing that this growth took place without damaging productivity, which increased by almost 4%. Total sales came to more than €1bn in absolute terms and exports rose by 8.8% in relative terms, totalling €213.96m (35.7bn pesetas).
Eroski opened five new stores in its chain in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Leioa and Orduña. There were also 176 stores in the Erosle chain. This co-operative also focused a lot on consumer information during the year with the publication of the Eroski magazine and Eroskide.