25 years had passed since the start of the MONDRAGON co-operatives, a symbolic anniversary that invited us to take stock of what we had achieved. Caja Laboral had 114 branches and deposits totalling €383.56m (64bn pesetas), an increase over the year of €74.45m (12.4bn pesetas) which was 24% in relative terms.
The industrial co-operatives, however, with a 21% increase in sales, had posted a total turnover of €498.84m (83bn pesetas) and Eroski, with a 38% rise compared to the previous year, had posted close to €90m (15bn pesetas) in overall turnover. A new hypermarket was opened in Vitoria-Gasteiz, a
key event, which spurred Eroski to go in search of a new dimension.
There were ten Local Groups set up by the end of 1981: Debako in the Bajo Deba, Goilan in Goierri, Indarko in Mungia, Learko in LeaArtibai, Naeko in Navarra, Nerbión in Bilbao, Orbide in Donostia/San Sebastián, Urcoa in Alava, Urkide in the Urola Valley and Ularco in the Alto Deba, with more than 6,000 co-operators.