An Extraordinary General Meeting of Caja Laboral approved the new bylaws for Lagun Aro. This highlighted the level of maturity shown by cooperators in finding a solution to social and economic problems which could affect the co-operatives and their members in the short and long-term.
The Official State Gazette of 15th July Published the Decree by virtue of which the Escuela Profesional Politécnica, today Mondragon Eskola Politeknikoa, was recognised as a State Centre of Middle Grade Technical Education, that is to say, Technical Engineering.
The MONDRAGON co-operatives now had more than 6,000 worker-members, with total turnover in excess of €24m (4bn pesetas). Amat (today part of Fagor Ederlan), Coinma, Danona, Tolsan, Orona and Goiti all joined the Group.